Temporary employment agencies
AuJob s.r.o.
Public relation: Zuzana Pálová
Communication possible in:
English, French, Hungarian, German, Polish, Slovak
AuJob has successfully filled hundreds of specific positions in the fields of business, finance, audit, tax, accounting, banking, sales, HR, construction, architecture, biotechnology, petro-chemicals, pharmaceuticals, energy, engineering, production, customer care, administration, project and senior management, the car industry, telecommunications, IT, marketing, insurance, law, and more... AuJob has earned positive references from small specialised firms all the way up to large international companies....... WORKING FOR PROFESSIONALS - AuJob - PROFFESIONALS FOR YOUR COMPANY
You can find more information about this company (institution) in Career Guide or Largest in Business.
Email: asistent@e-personal.eu
Web: www.e-personal.eu
Public relation: Pavol Petrík
Communication possible in:
English, German, Slovak, Russian, Croatian
You can find more information about this company (institution) in Career Guide.
Grafton Slovakia, s.r.o.
Fax: +421 2 59208119
Email: info@grafton.sk
Web: www.grafton.sk
Public relation: Jitka Kouba
Communication possible in:
English, Hungarian, German, Polish, Russian, Slovak
You can find more information about this company (institution) in Career Guide.
Fax: +421 2 49109312
Email: indexnoslus@indexnoslus.sk
Web: www.indexnoslus.sk
Public relation: Darina Mokráňová
Communication possible in:
English, Hungarian, German, Slovak
You can find more information about this company (institution) in Career Guide.
Lugera & Maklér, spol. s.r.o.
Fax: +421 32 6582873
Email: lugera@lugera.com
Web: www.lugera.sk
Public relation: Monika Voláková
Communication possible in:
English, Dutch, German, Polish, Slovak
You can find more information about this company (institution) in Career Guide.
LUTO Automotive s.r.o.
Email: info@lutogroup.com
Web: www.lutogroup.com
Communication possible in:
English, Hungarian, German, Russian, Slovak, Polish
You can find more information about this company (institution) in Career Guide.
ManpowerGroup Slovensko s.r.o.
Email: manpower@manpower.sk
Web: www.manpower.sk
Public relation: Filip Labanc
Communication possible in:
English, Hungarian, German, Slovak, Italian, Russian, Polish, French, Spanish
You can find more information about this company (institution) in Career Guide.
Proact People Slovensko
Email: rkubis@proactpeople.sk
Web: www.proactpeople.sk
Public relation: Roman Kubiš
Communication possible in:
English, Slovak
You can find more information about this company (institution) in Career Guide.
PROPLUSCO spol. s r.o.
Email: info@proplusco.sk
Web: www.proplusco.sk
Public relation: Adam Pribylinec
Communication possible in:
English, German, Slovak
You can find more information about this company (institution) in Career Guide.
STAFF AG, a. s.
Email: maro@staffag.sk
Web: www.staffag.sk
Public relation: Tomáš Maro
Communication possible in:
English, Hungarian, German, Slovak
You can find more information about this company (institution) in Career Guide.